Sparsh Foundation Nagpur

Across the Globe, We Are United in Our Dedication to Help People.

Who We Are


Sparsh Foundation Was establishes in the year 2013 Regd. to cater for the social and slum area resident living in and
around District and other nearby place. The Organization was registered as a social voluntary organization under society
registration Act 1860 and public trust act 1950 of Maharashtra and the area of working is All over the India. The
Organization also registered in 12A and 80G of Income Tax , Govt. of India

The intention of establishing the organization was to improve the social economic condition of thousands of
people living below poverty line who are suffering from lack of educational facilities vocational training and lack of other
employment resources. The Govt. can implement their social up-liftment programme along with coordination with social
welfare. Society and can generates a social awareness major thrust activities in following few years since inception, for
poverty stricken rural and urban society. The Organization is working Specially For children who need care and
protection age of 0 to 18 years children.

Sanamkumar Chandramani Gondane (President)

Our Approach

Promotional work in Urban and Rural areas

1. The Organization Run The Open Shelter Home At Nagpur For 6 to 18 year children under the recognition of
Women and Child Development Department , Maharashtra State.
2. The Organization Run The Kranijyoti Savitribai Fule Balsangopan Yojna at Nagpur for Orphan , Single parent and
care and protection child 0 to 18 year under the recognition of Women and Child Development Department ,
Maharashtra State.
3. The Organization Organize Anti Human Trafficking Programme
4. The Organization Organize Domestic Violence Act Awareness Programme
5. The Organization Organize Women Awareness Programme
6. The Organization Organize Youth Employment Camp
7. The Organization Organize Drug Eradiction Camp
8. The Organization Organize Sports & Cultural Activity
9. The Organization Organize Youth Adolescent Programme
10. The Organization Organize Street Children Development Programme
11. The Organization Organize Legal Aid Camp
12. The Organization Organize Special teaching classes for Slum children’s
13. The Organization Organize Women Self Employment Training Camp
14. The Organization run the library for Student free of cost at Teka Naka Nagpur
15. The Organization Organize Tree Plantation camp


— Our Mission

To empower women, uplift orphans, rehabilitate those battling addiction, and provide meaningful counseling to help individuals rebuild their lives and create a better future.


— Our Vision

We stand as a pillar of hope by advocating for women’s rights, offering shelter and support to orphans, guiding individuals away from addiction, and providing counseling services to bring healing and clarity to those in need.


— Our Story

Founded with a passion for creating a positive impact, our NGO began its journey in Nagpur, Maharashtra, to address the pressing issues faced by women, children, and struggling individuals. With every step, we aim to build a more compassionate and equitable society.